SingMai Partner with Jiatao in China
发布时间: 2015-06-26   预览次数:1561次
June 25,2015 -- SingMai Electronics has agreed an exclusive partnership with Shanghai Jiatao Industrial Co.LTD. for them to provide technical and sales support for SingMai's range of IP cores throughout China and Hong Kong.
Jiatao offer a one-stop IP service, being the sole agent in Asia for a number international IP suppliers including Allegro DVT,Curious,Dolphin,GUC,HDL-DH,IP-Maker,Irida Labs,Krivi,OmiPHY,Palmchip,PLDA,Polaric,RF Integration, SaberTek,Silicon Gate,Silicon Vision,Takumi, etc.
Jiatao currently specialises in clock (PLL), High-speed interface (PCIe, USB, LVDS, JESD, 10G-KR), video(MPEG encoder and decoder), audio codec and some specialized(MCU.IO, Lib, Memory, SerDes) IP support.
SingMai Electronics, based in Saraburi, Thailand, offer a range of video and image processing IP cores including broadcast quality analogue video decoders and encoders that perfectly complement Jiatao's existing product portfolio.
For example, the Singmai PT5 video decoder IP core (which also supports the 960H and 1280H video formats used in the CCTV market), can be paired with ADC and MPEG encoder IP cores from Jiatao to provide a complete DVR recorder solution.

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